• Dan's Enterprises LLC
  • Dan's Enterprises LLC

Safety & Security Mirrors

When you work in management, you are constantly looking for ways to improve the safety and security of your business. Rather than making large investments in machinery and electronic services, consider adding safety and security mirrors to keep your business safe. Dan’s Enterprises offers safety mirrors to eliminate accidents and boost security at your home or workplace.

Prevent Accidents with Driveway Blind Spot Mirrors

Accidents happen all the time. If there were a way to avoid them, we would do it right? Well, Dan’s Enterprises is here to talk about a simple and cost effective way to do it, with mirrors. Safety mirrors eliminate blind spots as well as better visual awareness at intersections. You don’t have to worry about unauthorized entries when you have mirrors that allow you to see around every corner. Make sure you are meeting OSHA requirements, when you have safety mirrors installed at your workplace.

Boost Security with Convex, Quarter, Half & Full Dome Mirrors

Mirrors can deter burglars before they cause damage to your home or workplace. You can actually see benefits with your insurance premiums with the installation of security mirrors as well. These anti-theft mirrors are well worth their money when they save you’re the hassle of dealing with dishonest people.

Telescoping Inspection Mirrors

Inspection mirrors are great at searching under machines, sets, counters, storage tanks and vehicles to name a few for contraband at stadiums, auditoriums, movie theaters, restaurants.

Residential & Commercial Glass & Mirror Services in Canton, Taylor, Garden City, Farmington Hills, Ypsilanti & Wayne County, Michigan

There is no denying it, mirrors are a cost-effective way to boost safety and security at home and at the workplace. This is a simple way to avoid accidents and save you money in the long run. At Dan’s Enterprises, we take pride in our high quality glass and workmanship. Call us for your safety and security mirror needs today.

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