There are options that exist for you when you have glass installed at your home or office. You might think that you call a glass company and they just come with the right size and install the glass but that is not true. There are options you can choose from to make sure you get what you want out of your glass. One type of glass that some people do not know about or do not consider is called wired glass. Once you know what it is you have likely seen this type of glass on windows and even walls that are made of glass. You also might realize that you want to have wired glass installed at your house or your office. Dan’s Enterprises outlines what wired glass is and if it is right for you.
Wired Glass Definition
You should know what wired glass is and how it is made to know if it is right for you. When it comes to regular glass it is prepared and left clear. When you have wired glass the glass is formed around a layer of mesh that is encased. The mesh can be seen inside the glass and are usually laid out in a grid pattern or sometimes they are laid out in a diamond level as well. The wire is quite thin but the mesh can be seen inside the glass. The glass is used in many areas and has many benefits when you choose to use it.
Fire Resistant Wired Glass
One of the things that happens quickly when you have glass in your windows and there is a fire is that the glass will shatter. This will then allow the fire to move quickly through the house and other areas. The glass breaks out so fast that it can be hard to keep the fire from moving. The great thing about wired glass is that it is called fire resistant or fire proof. It can stand up against fire and heat and stop the fire from spreading any further past the glass. The glass has the wires and that means that it has a way to stop the glass from shattering and falling apart. The glass may break but it will stay put. This is a great way to help if there were to be a fire in the area that the glass is installed.
Wired Glass Helps Prevent Break Ins Through Windows
Do you want to keep your home secure and safe then a wired glass may be the way to go. The wired glass has been proven to reduce the ability to break in through the glass. The glass can be broken but the pieces will not fall away from the wire. This means that someone may start to try to attempt to gain access to your home and not be able to get in. This is a great way to reduce the possible break-ins that may occur.
Uses & Properties of Wired Mesh Glass
You may not see wired glass often in homes and residences but you will see it used in many commercial spaces. You may see them used in county and city building including schools and other secure facilities. If you have a commercial space that you want to keep safe and secure it may be time to replace your glass with wired glass..
Custom Wired Glass Installation & More in Canton, Taylor, Garden City, Farmington Hills, Ypsilanti & Wayne County, Michigan
Dan’s Enterprises can come to your commercial space or home and make sure that you get the glass that is best for you. Call us today!